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Pre-immigration package

You and your family can get  in-person and online services to help prepare for and adjust to life in Canada. You can add these services in your immigration package. We call these pre-arrival services.

Pre-arrival services can help you to

  • prepare for your move to Canada
  • get your education, work experience and credentials recognized in Canada
  • connect with employers to find a job
  • connect with free services after you arrive in Canada

What are Pre-immigration services?

if you have received the approval of your application or you are in the process of your immigration, you can choose the following services to smooth your arrival path in Canada.


Education, credentials

Get your education, work experiences, and credentials recognized before entering Canada to save time and energy. ABR immigration will help you get your educational degrees evaluate with working closely with organizations like WES,ECA and with organizations like APEGS, OSPE. This way, before coming to Canada, you have prepared every thing you need for finding a job to start your career.


Accomodation Services

Finding accommodation in Canada is one of the first things any newcomer will face when he/she comes to Canada. you don't have enough credit to rent a place or you are not familiar with leasing contracts or neighborhoods and it takes a lot of time and energy to find a proper accommodation. ABR immigration will help you find your place according to your situations. this way, from fist night in Canada you stay at your own place.


Job Search and Resume

Finding your first job, in the most important step you have to take in Canada. ABR Immigration will help you write and polish your resume according to Canadian Resume standard. We will send you sources of job banks and all links you have to study before applying for a job to prepare you and your resume according to the Canadian labour market. This way, you will not start from scrtach once you enter Canada.

Work With ABR Team

Our team, consists of consultants and advisers are here to help you have a smooth and easy path entering Canada and spend the first six month as a new comer, stress free and more peace in your mind rather than being stressed for your accommodation and spend most of your time correcting your resume and participate at resume writing or job search classes.